Weekend Wardrobe: Snow Bound

fogggydress_snow AKG’s grad school is on break for a WHOLE WEEK! We headed to the mountains in Utah and prayed for snow. As usual, we stayed at his family’s cabin in Brian Head (they also rent it out–check out their website here for availability & details!).fogggydress_snow A few days before we arrived at the cabin, it had snowed around 17 inches. And when we woke up after our first night there, we got 7 more inches! We headed to the slopes to shred some of that pooowwedderrrr. All weekend we have been bundled up in beanies and  layers of sweaters, jackets and warm boots.

fogggydress_snowfogggydress_snow My brother and his wife drove down and met us there, as well as more of Austin’s family…it was a perfect day, hardly anyone was there (it was Monday!) and there was plenty of powder to get stuck in ride. I am not that good riding powder, but by the end of the day I had improved a lot. Enjoy the pictures!

fogggydress_snowfogggydress_snowfogggydress_snowfogggydress_snowfogggydress_snowfogggydress_snowfogggydress_snowfogggydress_snow Later, we went to Cedar Breaks. Remember what it looks like in the summertime??

fogggydress_snowfogggydress_snowfogggydress_snow Snow flurries are the prettiest!

fogggydress_snowfogggydress_snow hugs, hanalei