dress: in a comic book bag

foggy_dress_comicbag Remember when I was in Taiwan, deciding which bag I should get? Well I finally decided on one!

IMG_0842foggy_dress_comicbag2 I saw my first Jump From Paper bag when I was driving throug Mission District. A tourist crossed the street with one of these hanging from their shoulder, and I just knew I had to get my hands on one! But… I had no idea where to get them, or even what they were called. Two weeks later…I found them in Taiwan! It was hard settling on just one, but I figured a medium sized, popping orange bag would do the job. I absolutely love my 2D purse, guys!

foggy_dress_comicbag3 Also, yes, it was trash day when I took this picture…!

hugs, hanalei.

Taiwan: never goodbye, always “再見!” (see you again!)


My typical, rainy day outfit here in Taiwan: shorts and a tee covered by a cheap, plastic-bag-ish, 50 cent poncho. I can’t stand wearing a thicker one because then you just sweat in it! (thanks for the photo bomb, Chris! I think he really wanted to make it on the blog…)IMG_8225

I took like 2,000 pictures guys…I wanted to share them all with you, but that would be ridiculous… Click here to see a few of the good ones!

Taiwan: you can’t come here without visiting the east coast

(I’m actually in Hong Kong right now, but I finally have more than 2 minutes of wifi, and have a whopping hour to blog! Here’s another taste of our adventures in Taiwan…)



The most important part of this trip was all the special people in my life, who I was able to see again. The second most special part of the trip was the scenery!

IMG_7586Yeah it was rainy…like the whole time we were in Hualien…but is it not the prettiest place to have rainy days? And how can you not have fun when one of your bff’s and her new hubster meet you there?

IMG_7883We stopped and ate some yummy bananas from an old lady. They were as long as my finger!

taiwanI could live my whole life on a bicycle in this town.


Now, let me introduce you to…

taiwan1-002 IMG_7781 IMG_7788

Asians love their pens. Every color, every style!

hugs, hanalei.

taiwan: our first 2 (sleep deprived) days


(Image via google maps)

It was pretty rainy when we landed….typical Taiwan! It seems like it rains about 50% of the time here. The humidity has me thinking my skin won’t need all that lotion I packed…


Above, meeting up with my mission companion, 張姊妹!Below, too in love with everything I see!!!!

Recently Updated40Recently Updated39 IMG_7241 IMG_7240 No time to write…off to the beach, then the jungle mountains to feed the monkeys!