dress: for the Gramophone Awards 2013

Did you know that a Grammy Award was originally called a Gramophone Award? Did you know I only watched the Grammy’s for the outfits + LL Cool Jay? Did you also know that John Mayor had the BEST deep velvet (channelling Willy Wonka?) suit on? JT looked classy, but Frank Ocean…debatable.

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But sorry fella’s….Pharrell wins for best original suit (although I am kind of biased b/c I love everything he wears, especially if he’s skating in it). Also….trending: being taller than your man. I guess I need to buy some higher heels.

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And (surprisingly) Rhianna was my  absolute fav, from head to toe (well I never saw her toes but I’m sure they were manicured & amazing).

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Ok, actually Rhianna wasn’t my absolute favorite…that award goes to Kimbra’s meshy *ensemble!!!!!!!!! Hip hurray for creativity and just plain being the opposite of plain!!! ALSO in love with her hair.

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(*Ok, I’m not a fan of showing that much skin, so let’s just imaging the gold sparkles covering up a bit more…)